The Artist House is a residential villa and furthermore a connected art space. We exhibit renowned and emerging artists. By the experience of living with the artworks, we invite our guests to explore art from diverse perspectives. Every three years we develop a new exhibition, out of works of our artists in residence offering fresh insights and experiences to our visitors.

We fill the house with new inspirations, art, and perspectives from our island. In doing so, we transcend the traditional notion of a gallery, transforming it from a white cube into a dynamic space that evolves by living with the art day by day.

We seek to capture the essence of Cycladic village culture and architecture. We exhibit a journey of discovery, rich history, art, and mystic nature, sometimes even unveiling the island’s secrets.


Each year, we invite artists for an art residency. If you would like to apply, please make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on the Call for Artists and upcoming exhibitions.

Experience the beauty of Tinos in winter by joining our art residency. The artists are surrounded by the island’s landscapes, myths and architecture for 2-4 weeks. Over three years, different artist explore a theme, connecting with others and preparing for the next exhibition at the Artist House.

The Cartography of the Labyrinth

(The current Exhibition 2022- 2024)


born 1990 in Geneva, Switzerland lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany graduate of the Art Academy Düsseldorf Master Student of Eberhard Havekost. A comic-like stylised figure characterises the paintings of Sophie Ullrich. The outlines, mostly reduced to arms and hands, combine abstract pictorial elements and schematic backgrounds with accurately painted objects.


Born 1984 in Canicatti, Italy. 2009- 2012, study of fine arts at the Düsseldorf academy.Studied Fine Arts with a focus on Painting at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf under Prof. Siegfried Anzinger. Graduated in 2019 as a master student of Prof. Siegfried Anzinger. Auth lives and works in Düsseldorf.


Born 1991, Brought up on the island of Tinos, Greece, Innsbruck, Austria, and Chemnitz, Germany. 2012, study of fine arts at the Düsseldorf academy in the class of Siegfried Anzinger. Graduation from the Academy as a master student of Siegfried Anzinger in February 2020. Alexandros Boehme lives and works in Düsseldorf


Born 1913 – Athens 1998 in Athens, Greece. Lameras grew up in Athens and Tinos. His early studies were with Thomas Thomopoulos at the Athens School of Fine Arts (1932-1938). On an Academy of Athens scholarship, he continued at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris with Jean Boucher, winning the first prize in 1939. The outbreak of World War I forced him to interrupt his studies and return to Greece.


Born 1945, is a painter, graphic artist and sculptor. He studied in Munich, Vienna, London and Florence. He was a student of Toni Stadler. He works in Munich and on the island of Elb. He lived on Tinos for a year and exhibited his works from the island in various exhibitions, such as in Munich in 1981. 

Berdemiaros by Lazarus Lameras
The Vagabond by Alexandro Boehme
In the Dark by Jonathan Auth
Fredom Bird by Lazaros Lameras
Lithografie by Sophie Ullrich
no title by Thomas Weczerek
FireFish by Lazaros Lameras
BurnedBird by Lazaros Lameras
The Players by Alexandro Boehme
Abi by Thomas Weczerek
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